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There are films based on books, and there are books based on film scripts. Both can make your leisure time really exciting. If you love cinema and literature, you have probably caught yourself thinking that it would be nice to see a film adaptation of a good book. Or felt the desire, having watched the film, to immerse yourself in a full-fledged literary world, constructed in the cinema.

It is also a great way to learn English effectively and maintain a high level of communication skills.

Online shop Dinternal Education offers you to find a work of interest in English in our catalog and immediately order delivery to your desired region of Ukraine. You can buy the book at the specified price and pick it up by self-delivery, without payment for delivery, at the address of the shop in Kyiv indicated on the site.

How to choose books based on films

Screen adaptation of a book implies a profound adaptation of its content. And literary processing of a film novel into a book should significantly expand the content of the film. Therefore, it is always interesting to combine reading literary works with watching related films.

Films based on literary works have their drawbacks. The main problem has to do with directing - it is difficult to squeeze a long work into a relatively short meter.

This was realized as early as 1924, when Erich von Stroheim tried to incorporate Frank Norris' novel McTeague into his film Greed. To incorporate it verbatim. The resulting film was 9.5 hours long, which was cut down to 4 hours and then 2 hours, resulting in a complete loss of coherence.

That is why any great literary work is subject to deep adaptation when it is transferred to the screen. And this gives directors and scriptwriters more creative freedom.

As a result, the second claim is technically partially derived from the first, and it is always related to the cinematic realisation of the literary product. The picture may radically fail to correspond to the subjective vision formed during personal acquaintance with the literary work. Surprising can be the direction, the selection of actors, semantic accents, too free interpretation of the plot.

But there is good news. As a rule, films and TV series are based on books that have become widely popular. That means that it makes sense to read the literary work that became the basis for the film adaptation. There is a good chance that you will also like it. Moreover, you will probably like the book more than the film and will be able to add to your vocabulary, which is necessary for further learning English.

It is a widely recognized fact that a significant proportion of film adaptations turn out worse than the works themselves. And this greatly expands the circle of search for a suitable bestseller at the expense of those film novels that have not caused a wide response among the cinema audience. This is how you can find fascinating writers.

Books have their undeniable and unique advantages over cinema. You can read them for a long time, take your time to enjoy the moments and language, savor every page, return to what you have read and reflect on it in a new way.

You can buy examples of literature embodied in films, as well as books written based on the films, in the online shop Dinternal Education.

How to buy film novels and adapted books from the Dinternal Education online shop

Find the genre you are interested in the rubricator or search by author/title of the novel. Each book is provided with a brief description of the content and price. To order delivery, use the special form on the site. The cost of transport in Kyiv and Ukraine corresponds to the price of the corresponding service of the operator selected for delivery.