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Books with stories and short stories
Reading short stories is one of the best ways to learn English. And it is the first step on the way to reading the best examples of world literature in the original. As a rule, the cost of editions with short, entertaining stories is low. However, the tangible benefit they provide in learning English can hardly be overestimated.

In order to maintain the acquired skills and further enrich vocabulary, English learners simply need to immerse themselves at least partially in the language environment. It is easier and more effective to do this by absorbing interesting content. Often this is something that brings pleasure: watching films in English, reading books and listening to their audio versions.

Reading is more suitable for developing the skills to quickly understand the meaning of a text and the ability to analyse what has been written. As a side effect, but an extremely important one, you will develop your own ability to produce texts in English.

Buy books to improve your English, you can in the online shop Dinternal Education with delivery in Kiev and Ukraine.

As for developing listening comprehension skills, audio versions of books are great for this.

What to look for when choosing books with stories and short stories

It should begin with small sketches or episodes and small adapted stories on a theme with a simple plot.

Each level of English requires a certain amount of knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to choose stories of the level that you are able to learn at the moment. For example, interesting and short stories by the author O. Henry will be difficult for those in the early stages of learning the language.

Today, you can buy many different editions with short stories that correspond to a particular level of English.

A few important hints:

  • At A1-A2 level, the simplest literature is suitable for reading, including children's literature if you are just starting to learn the language;
  • B1-B2 level opens up a significant array of fiction texts, articles, etc., which are not saturated with special vocabulary, archaisms, dialectisms;
  • at subsequent levels, you will have no need to refer to short stories, episodes and sketches to make further progress in the language.

Some rules for reading short stories effectively

In order to have fun and also bring a lot of benefits in language learning, we advise you to read wisely. To do this, you should:

  • select stories at an understandable level;
  • do not translate in the process of reading with the help of any improvised means, try to find out the meaning of words from the context;
  • highlight unfamiliar words in the text;
  • find out the meanings of unknown words using dictionaries with examples of usage and synonyms.

The main thing is not to give up. Having chosen a text that is too difficult, the reader can put it aside for later and proceed to easier adaptations by other authors.

How to order books with stories and short stories in English from the Dinternal Education online shop

In the online shop Dinternal Education you have the opportunity to buy books of different levels: both for beginners and for those who would like to read in the original the most interesting works of world literature.

Choose books and order delivery within Ukraine and Kyiv city. Shipping cost is added to the order price and corresponds to the tariff of the selected carrier.