Biographical books in English

Author: Peter Pomerantsev
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890 uah
Author: Peter Pomerantsev
Out of Stock
890 uah
Biographical books tell real stories about people, their ideas, life paths and recognition. Such stories inspire and motivate the reader to achieve their own success. Biographies also help to understand historical events, the influence of individuals on culture and society, as well as the context of the time in which they lived. Reading biographical books in English helps improve your language skills and learn stories from the lives of prominent personalities from around the world.
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Various biographies and other popular books, for example, about health and fitness, in English at a good price you can buy in our Dinternal Education online store. Delivery is carried out in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine.
Some tips on how to choose books:
The main rule is to choose books that suit your interests and preferences.
Do you want to buy the best books with interesting biographies at affordable prices? Take a look at the catalog of the Dinternal Education online store - the official representative of the Pearson publishing house in Ukraine. We have prepared for you the most interesting and rated literature, for example, about art. We also offer educational publications for learning English and German for different ages and levels.
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