Rise and Shine Level 3 Student's Book +ePractice +Digital Resources
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Rise and Shine Level 3 Student's Book +ePractice +Digital Resources
605 uah
400 uah
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Rise and Shine’s unique five-stage methodology supports learners in understanding exactly how far they have come and where they are heading on their learning journey, signposted by coloured stepping stones.
- Wonder: activities that spark interest, draw on prior knowledge and set out the quest for the unit
- Imagine: imaginative stories and activities that encourage cognitive engagement
- Build: meaningful language input and practice, providing direction and support, with a strong focus on building communication skills and confidence
- Grow: real-world content that opens learners’ eyes through a global citizenship objective and provides opportunities to relate language back to their own lives
- Shine: a final unit project broken down into differentiated steps to allow every learner to showcase their achievements
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