International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, Global Edition
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International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, Global Edition
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For courses in international business.
Cultural focus helps students understand key concepts in international business
International Business: The Challenges of Globalization uses the ever-present and salient subject of culture to present real-world examples and engaging features to bring international business to life and pique student interest. The 9th Edition uses a unique organizing framework that helps students to understand how the elements of international business are related and with a focus on employability skills, students understand how the concepts learned in this course will be relevant to their future careers. The material has been thoroughly updated based on ongoing changes in the international business world to ensure that it remains up-to-date with the rapidly changing world.
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An easy-to-read, timely, and integrative text accessible to all students
· Updated - Examples have been updated to include recent changes including coverage on Britain’s exit (Brexit) from the European Union, Venezuela’s suspension from the Southern Common Market, and recent data on business software piracy rates around the world.
· Updated - Conceptual material and specialized business activities are described in concrete terms for maximum student comprehension. New information includes coverage of employability skills, helping students to develop their critical-thinking skills, refine their sense of business ethics and social responsibility, develop their communication skills, and expand their ability to apply and analyze knowledge.
· New - The Manager’s Briefcase in Chapter 1 offers an early introduction to the textbook’s applied, and managerial treatment of material.
· Updated - Presentation of National Illiteracy rates and its accompanying Table 2.1 present the most recent data available.
· An integrative organizing framework helps students understand how all of the concepts of international business are related.
· Quick Study Concept Checks verify that students have learned key terms and concepts before moving on. Students obtain immediate feedback on answers they provide in an online environment.
Application opportunities help students understand the role culture plays in international business
· The importance of understanding different cultures and cultural barriers that may arise are emphasized throughout the text:
o Updated - Chapter introductions are culturally rich, feature real-world examples, and sensitize readers to different cultures they may do business with in the future.
o Culture Matters make connections between different cultures and key chapter topics throughout the text.
o Watch It Cases expose students to life in other cultures by asking them to view a video clip on a key topic. Each video corres ponds to the chapter material and is accompanied by multiple choice questions that reinforce student comprehension.
o Ethical Challenge exercises ask students to assume the role of a manager, government official, or someone else and to make a decision based on the facts presented to them.
o Teaming Up projects go beyond the text and require students to collaborate in teams to conduct interviews, research other countries, or hold in-class debates.
o A Market Entry Strategy Project is an interactive simulation that asks students to research a country as a future market for a new video game system.
o Practicing International Management cases ask students to analyze the responses of real-world companies to the issues, problems, and opportunities discussed in each chapter.
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