Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition
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Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition
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Equipping learners with 21st-century skills to succeed in A&P and beyond
Human Anatomy & Physiology, by best-selling authors Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn, motivates and supports learners at every level, from novice to expert, equipping them with 21st century skills to succeed in A&P and beyond. Each carefully paced chapter guides students in advancing from mastering A&P terminology to applying knowledge in clinical scenarios, to practicing the critical thinking and problem-solving skills required for entry to nursing, allied health, and exercise science programs.
From the very first edition, Human Anatomy & Physiology has been recognized for its engaging, conversational writing style, easy-to-follow figures, and its unique clinical insights. The 11th Edition continues the authors’ tradition of innovation, building upon what makes this the text used by more schools than any other A&P title and addressing the most effective ways students learn.
Unique chapter-opening roadmaps help students keep sight of “big picture” concepts for organizing information; memorable, familiar analogies describe and explain structures and processes clearly and simply; an expanded number of summary tables and Focus Figures help learners focus on important details and processes; and a greater variety and range of self-assessment questions help them actively learn and apply critical thinking skills. To help learners prepare for future careers in health care, Career Connection Videos and Homeostatic Imbalance discussions have been updated, and end-of-chapter Clinical Case Studies have been extensively reworked to include new NCLEX-Style questions.
Mastering A&P is not included. Students, if Mastering A&P is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Mastering A&P should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Reach every student by pairing this text with Mastering A&P
MasteringTM is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.
Guide students to focus on “big picture” concepts before exploring details
- Unique Chapter Roadmaps provide a visual overview of the key concepts in the chapter and show how they relate to each other. Each key concept “brick” in the roadmap corresponds to a numbered section within the chapter, beginning with a declarative statement that helps learners quickly grasp the “big idea” of the topic discussion.
- Key Concept Modular Organization helps students master the core material, easily navigate the chapter, and maintain their focus. This clear and succinct presentation delivers core concepts in manageable chunks that are easier for students to manage and reference.
- NEW! Text recall icons guide students to review specific pages where a concept was first introduced.
- EXPANDED! Making Connections questions appear in every chapter (except Chapter 1), and challenge students to relate different concepts across body systems and chapters.
Engage students in building visual literacy skills and interpreting visual information
- EXPANDED! 6 New Focus Figures (for a total of 26) Focus Figures walk students through complex processes using exceptionally clear, easy tofollow illustrations with integrated text explanations. Focus Figure Coaching Activities can be assigned through Mastering A&P as figure walkthrough videos with assessments and/or as multi-part coaching activities. New Focus Figures can be assigned with new “mini animation” coaching activities in Mastering A&P and include:
- Fig 3.1 The Plasma Membrane
- Fig 11.4 Postsynaptic Potentials and Their Summation
- Fig 16.2 Stress and the Adrenal Gland
- Fig 18.2 The Cardiac Cycle
- Fig 21.1 An Example of a Primary Immune Response
- Fig 28.2 Fetal and newborn Circulation
- EXPANDED! 31 unique In-Line Figures are strategically placed within the text to visually reinforce the text discussion. This innovation is the latest example of how the authors carefully integrate art and text, almost always presenting words and visuals on the same two-page spread so that readers can efficiently learn, visualize and remember concepts
- NEW! “Draw” questions ask students to create visuals that reinforce important concepts by drawing a structure, annotating a figure, or creating a summary table. Students can check their work using the expanded answer key at the back of the text.
- NEW! 47 Check Your Understanding questions include an illustration as part of the question and require students to practice visual literacy skills.
- Blue text annotations appear in selected figures and represent the voice of an A&P instructor, highlighting important points to remember. In some figures the text is broken into numbered steps to help students more easily understand processes one step at a time. Consistent visual presentation is applied throughout the text so that at least one figure, image, or table is included in every two-page spread.
Support learners at every level, from novice to expert
- EXPANDED! 13 NEW! Summary Tables present key information and serve as “one-stop shopping” student tools.
- NEW! Check Your Understanding sections in each chapter now include a greater variety and range of question types, including higher-level questions labeled Apply, Predict, What If?, Draw, and Make Connections questions. Dozens of new visual questions ask students to label structures or inte
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