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How to learn how to pronounce English words - textbooks tell you


28 January 2025

Oleksandra Kulish

Oleksandra Kulish

Book expert

Proper pronunciation plays a key role in learning English. A lot of learners wonder how to improve pronunciation in English to sound like a native speaker. Textbooks are your reliable assistant to help you understand the subtleties. In this article we will tell you how to work on pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar using proven techniques and the best learning materials.

Basic principles of English pronunciation

The main difficulty in learning English lies in the significant phonetic differences from Slavic languages. In English speech there are sounds completely alien to us. But do not be disheartened: nothing is impossible, and with some persistence you will quickly master them.

First, it is important to know the difference between the pronunciation of vowels and consonants. When you pronounce consonant sounds, the airflow temporarily stops (meaning that your tongue, lips, or vocal cords quickly block the sound). However, when you pronounce vowels, your mouth stays open and the airflow doesn't stop until you stop speaking. This may sound complicated on paper, but after a few exercises, you will understand how to pronounce words in English.

Usually, a word has one vowel surrounded by consonants (example: pet). However, in many words, two vowels are joined together to create a whole new sound. When this happens, the first letter of the combination is usually long and the second letter is not pronounced. Here are some examples: ai (daily), ea (eat), ie (pie), oa (boat), oo (choose, book), and ee (feel).

As with vowels, combinations of consonants can create entirely new sounds. Sometimes they are a combination of each individual letter (e.g., -ct in “act”), but sometimes they are completely unrelated to the sounds the letters would produce individually, e.g., gh in “laugh”). Here are some more examples: ch (chess), sh (shirt), th (this, bath), gh (ghost, cough), wh (whale, whole), ck (pick).

Introduction to phonetic symbols and their role

Phonetic symbols or transcription marks are initially intimidating to many people. They look unfamiliar, and it seems that you have to learn one more additional language. In fact, this is not the case. These icons are your faithful assistants. Thanks to them, you will easily understand how this or that word sounds. Therefore, if you are asking how to learn how to correctly pronounce English words, then it is worth starting exactly with phonetic symbols.

It is best to do this at once. At the stage of learning the alphabet and basic reading rules, pay attention to the designation of different sounds in the transcription. Many textbooks specifically add such exercises so that you can put the skill and become well-versed in the sounds. Even if your textbook doesn't have such exercises, be sure to spend a couple hours studying phonetic symbols on your own. This will save you a lot of time later on and will help you learn to read.

Don't think that you will work on pronunciation at a later stage. You need to practice it from the first day of class, and the earlier you learn all the necessary tools, the easier it will be for you in the future. Besides, it is much more difficult to correct a mispronunciation that has been formed than to teach it correctly right away.

Pronunciation-oriented materials

Just reading a word is not enough. It is important to work out the correct position of the tongue and lips when pronouncing all its sounds. This should be done in a certain sequence. First, carefully read the explanations in the textbook. The authors know how to put the pronunciation in English. Often next to the new sounds you will see pictures, clearly showing the correct position of the speech apparatus necessary to pronounce the sound. Don't be in a hurry to flip through them. This is important information to help you understand and pronounce sounds correctly from the beginning.

The next type of materials that will help you understand how a word is pronounced are audio files. Their usefulness cannot be overemphasized. No transcription can convey the sound with 100% accuracy. Pay attention to listening to the voicing of dialogs.

Also, textbooks often give assignments for sorting. This is convenient for memorizing the pronunciation of words with the same letters. In such exercises, you need to categorize the provided words into several groups depending on the sound. This way you can quickly put the correct pronunciation in different variants.

How transcriptions help in mastering pronunciation

There is an old joke about English pronunciation that if it says “Manchester”, you should read “Liverpool”. However, there is a fair amount of truth to it. In the process of development, English has been so influenced by other languages that sometimes there are almost more exceptions than words that are spelled according to the rule. A transcription can help you understand the correct pronunciation. It is essentially a textual record of the sound.

Some students do not want to learn it, but this is a serious mistake. Only by knowing the transcription, you will be able to read the word correctly. Therefore, take some time to master the phonetic signs that denote certain sounds. Favor, most often they resemble letters and they are easy to memorize.

The plan of work is approximately as follows:

  1. Learn the signs.
  2. Stop relying on recording the pronunciation in Cyrillic, but check the pronunciation with audio.
  3. Record words in your dictionary with the transcription so you can pronounce the correct version later.

After that, no word will be a problem for you. You will be able to see how it is pronounced in any dictionary.

Effective ways to practice pronunciation through repetition

How to improve your English pronunciation? With the help of repetition, of course. This is exactly the case when sooner or later the quantity will turn into quality. A technique called “shedoing” or shadow repetition helps a lot. It sounds scary, but in reality it's simple. You turn on a tape on which the carrier speaks simple phrases and repeat after him, trying to copy all the features of pronunciation as much as possible.

Gradually, the complexity of the phrases on the recording should increase. If you go by the textbook, you will notice that the phrases get longer and the vocabulary more complex. This is fine as long as you can pronounce everything. By the way, this technique also improves your speaking skill, so you're killing two birds with one stone. Of course, the content of the notes should not exceed your current level, so don't forget to also deal with grammar and vocabulary. This will improve your overall score.

Another good exercise will be shorthand phrases. They help to practice diction and accustom the speech apparatus to an unfamiliar position. Thanks to them, you will be able to pronounce difficult sounds clearly and correctly.

How audio recordings help in learning pronunciation

Audio materials are not just necessary, they are essential for correct pronunciation. You can't do without them if you're practicing on your own. Only after listening to a native speaker many times, you will learn the correct sounds. By the way, for English it is still important to choose the right country of the textbook. If you are going to the UK, it is better to choose textbooks of this country, as the pronunciation will be significantly different from the American.

British English is considered the standard, but this does not mean that only it is correct. If you are to live in the United States, then it is worth initially getting used to the American accent. Then you will not be at first frightened, not understanding the speech of interlocutors. However, if you do not have a special preference, then use British textbooks. All over the world, a British accent is considered a sign of a high level of language proficiency.

There are methods of self-study, based almost 80% on listening to audio. That is, you first listen to a passage until you begin to distinguish individual words in it. Then you continue listening, but already tracing the text. And only after that you watch the translation. Whether or not to use this technique is up to you, but it clearly demonstrates the value of audio for language learning.

Materials for learning sounds and intonation

Another important aspect is intonation. It is very important for several reasons:

  1. It is intonation that determines the overall melody of the language and makes your speech sound natural.
  2. In colloquial speech, a question is often created solely through intonation. This is a mistake in classical English, but you will often encounter this technique in native speakers.
  3. Incorrect intonation is a mistake in language exams.

Textbooks cover this aspect at the very beginning. Don't be surprised if you see arrows above the sentences. Look at them carefully and then compare them with the audio. This will help you to understand quickly. The basic rules of intonation in English are very similar to Ukrainian.

At later stages of learning, when the authors no longer consider it necessary to give hints in the form of arrows, continue practicing on your own. Do not read the lesson texts like a robot. Imagine that you are in a real communication situation and make your voice expressive. This is useful for two reasons. First, you will practice your intonation. Second, your brain is better at remembering emotionally colored moments. This way you will remember new words and expressions more easily.

How to accent and accent English words correctly

Emphasis is also important. In some cases, it determines the meaning of a word. If pronounced incorrectly, a word can have a completely different meaning. Some examples:

  • ADDict - obsessive, addict; addICT - addictive, addicted to something;
  • PRESent - gift; preSENT - to give;
  • CONtent - content, meaning, essence; conTENT - satisfied, pleasure, pleased.

Usually in two-syllable nouns, adjectives and adverbs the stress is on the first syllable, and in two-syllable verbs on the second syllable.

There are also separate stress rules for words with more syllables. However, keep in mind that there are many exceptions. It is important to check the correct pronunciation in dictionaries. Do not forget that correct speech is impossible without accents, so do not underestimate their importance.

In addition to the individual accent in a word, there is also a semantic accent. With emphasis in a sentence, you emphasize certain words over others. This type of emphasis is much more flexible because it depends on your intention. You can emphasize different words in a sentence depending on what you want to emphasize. You can emphasize multiple words in a single apposition, but this does not apply to auxiliary verbs. Service parts of speech are also rarely the object of emphasis.

Using online tools to improve pronunciation

Nowadays, with the internet available to everyone, the question of how to learn English pronunciation is solved quite easily. There is nothing easier than opening, for example, YouTube and listening to native speakers from different countries. This is an extremely useful tool. However, the online space can provide much more.

There are many pronunciation practice apps available now. In some, you even get feedback. You read a phrase, and the program compares its sound with the original and gives you a score. This way you quickly realize which sound you pronounce correctly and which one you need to tighten up.

Also, thanks to the development of neural networks, virtual interlocutors have become available. The AI partner will listen to you and correct you if necessary. This methodology is especially valuable because you simultaneously improve your speaking skill and gain confidence that will come in handy in real-life situations. For many people who are shy to speak English, this is a real salvation. There is only one downside: more often than not, it is a paid feature.

On the way to improving your English pronunciation, it's important to stick to regular practice. Here are some ideas on how to make lessons interesting and effective:

  1. Socialize with native speakers. Join language clubs or find conversation practice partners to tighten your pronunciation.
  2. Using podcasts. Listening to English podcasts regularly will help develop intonation and improve listening comprehension.
  3. Play word games. Try games that help you memorize words and practice pronunciation.

All this can be done online from the comfort of your own home. This way you will quickly practice correct pronunciation and improve your English level.

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