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Книга Unlock Your Imagination-УЦІНКА
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Книга Unlock Your Imagination-УЦІНКА
Є в наявності
600 грн
450 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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УЦІНЕНИЙ Книга Unlock Your Imagination з наступними ПОШКОДЖЕННЯМИ:
помітно затерта та пошкодженна обкладинка з обох сторін
Фото пошкодження більш детально можна роздивитись у вкладці "Читати уривок"
Featuring a huge range of ideal rainy day activities for bored kids, this colourful illustrated guide provides hours of entertainment whether you're at home or on the go. Packed with creative, hands-on activities including making slime, creating a TV show, and building their own crazy-golf course, this is the perfect book for kids aged 7+ looking to get away from the computer screen. Encourage their creativity and imagination with amazing crafts and projects, from folding origami animals to putting on a puppet show. There's also plenty of fun games that will get them on their feet, including capture the flag, making an obstacle course (and then completing it!), and a guide to hilarious dance moves. Each book also comes with a free double-sided board, counters, and a press-out dice that can be used to play chess, draughts, and snakes and ladders. No matter what their abilities or interests, whether its sports, art, writing, or puzzle-solving, Unlock your Imagination contains plenty for kids to make, play, and do.
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Автор: Свинка Пеппа
Є в наявності
340 грн