Книга Learn with Peppa: Pen Control (A Wipe-Clean Handwriting Book)
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Книга Learn with Peppa: Pen Control (A Wipe-Clean Handwriting Book)
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340 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Learn with Peppa wipe-clean and sticker activity books focus on key early learning topics such as letters, counting, shapes and numbers and also help children develop awareness of their own feelings and key relationships.
Pen Control helps children develop and practise the first pen control skills needed for early writing. The different lines, patterns and shapes to trace over in this book are developmentally ordered from easiest to hardest and introduce pre-writers to the key hand movements needed for letter formation - for both right and left-handed children. Draw over the dotted lines, then wipe clean and try again!
- Peppa and her friends take centre stage in this brand-new series of wipe-cleanactivity books with integrated pen
- Fun, interactive drawing and writing activities support children's first pen control skills and the pages can be wiped clean and used over and over again!
- Each Learn with Peppa wipe-clean activity book has been developed by educational experts and contains helpful hints and tips for using the book with your child
- Access additional resources and guidance on the Learn with Peppa website
Let Peppa support your little ones on their early learning adventure in Learn with Peppa.
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Автор: Свинка Пеппа
Є в наявності
340 грн