Книга The Bacteria Book: Gross Germs, Vile Viruses, and Funky Fungi
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Книга The Bacteria Book: Gross Germs, Vile Viruses, and Funky Fungi
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400 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Shortlisted for the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize 2019 Meet the bacteria, viruses, and other germs and microbes that are all around, but too small for us to see, in this children's science book by bestselling author and science comedian Steve Mould. What do a squid that glows, fungus that grows, and tiny creatures in the soil under your toes all have in common? Find out in this dynamic and engaging book all about bacteria, viruses, and other germs and microbes. The Bacteria Book perfectly walks the line between "ew, gross!" and "oh, cool!", exploring why we need bacteria and introducing readers to its microbial mates: viruses, fungi, algae, archaea, and protozoa. The Bacteria Book is a fun and informative introduction to a STEAM subject that brings kids up-close to the big world of tiny science. With remarkable photography, kooky character illustrations, and lots of fun facts, this book uses real-life examples of microbiology in action to show how microbes keep our bodies and our world running.
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Автор: Steve Mould
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