Підручник Power Maths Year 3 Textbook 3B
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Підручник Power Maths Year 3 Textbook 3B
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530 грн
371 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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The whole-class mastery approach that works for every child.
Underpinned by the most effective teaching practices, and created by a team of mastery experts led by Series Editor Tony Staneff, Power Maths is designed to make the whole-class mastery teaching approach work for you, your children and your school.
The powerful lesson structure of Power Maths comes to life through the high-quality textbooks. They provide a coherent structure through the curriculum and support children on their journey to deeper understanding. The textbooks set out the core learning objectives for the whole class.
- ‘Discover’, ‘Share’ and ‘Think Together’ sections help promote discussion and ensure mathematical ideas are introduced to children in a logical way to support conceptual understanding.
- Engaging contexts for problem solving help children to discover patterns and concepts for themselves in a meaningful way.
- Clear mathematical structures and representations (using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach) ensure children make connections and grasp concepts.
- Lovable characters prompt and question children to promote reasoning skills and help to build a growth mindset.
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Автори: Олена Міходуй, Людмила Сидорчук, Мар’яна Петречко
Є в наявності
175 грн