Книга Sleep: The Myth of 8 Hours, the Power of Naps... and the New Plan to Recharge Your Body and Mind
Книга Sleep: The Myth of 8 Hours, the Power of Naps... and the New Plan to Recharge Your Body and Mind
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450 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (London School of English)
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One third of our lives are spent trying to sleep. Most us have restless nights and rely on a cocktail of caffeine and sugar to drag us through the day. Yet the hours we spend in bed shape our mood, motivation and decision-making skills - defining our performance in work, at home and while keeping fit.
We need a new approach to sleep. In Sleep, Nick Littlehales, the leading sleep coach, debunks the myths around sleep and introduces many new concepts, including:
· Why the fabled eight hours just doesn't add up
· The power of the nap - and how you can nap with your eyes open
· Ways to deal with anxiety, children, snoring and other night-time challenges
· How to discover your own sleep cycle
From your personal sleep characteristics and cycles, to posture and bedding, he sets out achievable ways to get the highest possible quality of sleep recovery. Read Sleep, learn from the best in sport, and kick-start a more confident, successful and happier you.
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