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Енциклопедія 100 Inventions That Made History
Енциклопедія 100 Inventions That Made History
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470 грн
376 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Get the inside story on the world's most incredible inventions that made history and transformed the way we live today. This fun-packed reference title for children charts the brilliant breakthroughs of great geniuses from ancient times through centuries of technological progress to today's modern era. Part of the best-selling top 100 series, 100 Inventions That Made History comes full of inventions and ideas, from aeroplanes, batteries, and chocolate, to video games, wheels, and X-rays - and not forgetting the little gadgets and gizmos we couldn't live without! Each profile provides an in-depth exploration of an important invention, while the galleries present a selection of inventions on a shared theme, all aimed at the younger reader.
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Автор: Katie Daynes
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400 грн