Total English New Upper-Intermediate Workbook+key+Audio CD
Total English New Upper-Intermediate Workbook+key+Audio CD
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КИЕВ. ул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицкого, 14 (офис Dinternal Education)
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All New Total English units have a very similar structure, making it easier for students to self-study when they miss a class. They just need to follow the same step-by-step learning process. All new materials can be easily found in the Students’ Book or ActiveBook with clear explanations and examples.
In the Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels of New Total English, the Vocabulary sections build up knowledge of high-frequency words and phrases. From Intermediate onwards, there is a greater emphasis on systems and word-building which help learners expand their knowledge.
The Writing Banks at the back of the coursebook give students all the materials and practice they need to improve their writing skills. They cover different text types and genres, advising on the structure, common language constructions and vocabulary.
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Авторы: Araminta Crace, Sarah Cunningham
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