Учебник CareerView Skills Book
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Учебник CareerView Skills Book
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1005 грн
805 грн
КИЕВ. ул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицкого, 14 (офис Dinternal Education)
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CareerView is designed to help high-intermediate and advanced English language learners explore
their work interests and job opportunities across many employment sectors while they develop
career and academic readiness skills to achieve their short-term and long-term goals. This new
two-volume program helps prepare students for a successful transition to continuing education,
vocational training, and employment.
The Core Text focuses on vocabulary development and communication skills through contextualized instruction tied to employment sectors. • An integrated curriculum promotes employability and academic-readiness goals of the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). • Vibrant illustrations depict an array of occupations and workplace settings. • An active conversational approach gives students “soft-skills” practice with functional contextualized workplace communication. • Critical thinking and personalization questions promote discussions about workplace values and expectations, problem solving, and personal experiences. • Skills Checks provide built-in review practice in each unit. • Tech Tasks develop students’ digital-information skills. • An audio program and answer key allow students to study independently at their own pace.
The Career & Academic Readiness Skills Book focuses on employment-sector information, career and academic-readiness skills, and civics connections. • A career exploration focus helps learners identify their work styles, personal characteristics, and values, and how these dimensions relate to employment sectors and jobs. • Career research lessons get students online to search for information about occupations. • Academic lessons focus on STEAM topics: Science and Sustainability; Technology; Engineering; Arts and Architecture; and Math. • On-the-Job Instructions activities offer reading practice with workplace notices, safety procedures, and instructions for operating equipment. • Civics Connection Profiles focus on how employment sectors relate to community life. • Listening activities reinforce communication skills and prepare students for standardized listening tests. • An audio program and answer key allow students to study independently at their own pace.
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