Учебник International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers, Global Edition
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Учебник International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers, Global Edition
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1540 грн
КИЕВ. ул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицкого, 14 (офис Dinternal Education)
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For basic trauma life support courses
For more than 30 years, International Trauma Life Support has been at the forefront of trauma education at all levels of emergency care worldwide. This complete reference is filled with practical, hands-on training that guides readers through the hows and whys behind all of the skills necessary for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, and transportation of the trauma patient. Updated with the latest approaches to the care of the trauma patient, this Eighth Edition conforms to the most recent AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR. This new edition continues ITLS’s tradition of excellence to ensure learners get the most out of the few minutes they have to save their patients’ lives.
· This proven training book has been at the forefront of trauma education at all levels of pre-hospital emergency care worldwide for more than 30 years.
· UPDATED: Coverage of the latest and most effective approaches to the care of the trauma patient prepares readers to become effective emergency care providers.
· NEW: Dr. Roy Alson has joined Dr. John Campbell as co-editor in chief for this edition. Dr. Alson is a board certified EM and EMS physician with extensive experience in EMS care and education and has been a contributor to the ITLS text and course for over 25 years.
· UPDATED: Conforms to the latest AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR.
· Hands-on exercises throughout the text help readers practice their knowledge and skills on simulated patients. By the end of the course, learners should feel confident in their ability to provide rapid lifesaving trauma care.
· Management skills chapters follow the topic chapters to help reinforce learning.
· UPDATED: Key terms, photos, drawings, and case presentations accompany each chapter to promote retention of key concepts. Many of the case presentations draw upon a single scenario so they reflect a realistic situation.
· Each chapter opens with a Chapter Overview and Objectives to focus students’ study time.
· Pearls feature quick references and reminders in the side margins, providing learners with reinforcement of difficult chapter concepts.
· Chapter Summaries wrap up each chapter, reviewing important concepts and revisiting the overview that opens up the chapter, forming a bridge between areas of focus and objectives.
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