Учебник Becker's World of the Cell plus MasteringBiology, Global Edition
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Учебник Becker's World of the Cell plus MasteringBiology, Global Edition
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КИЕВ. ул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицкого, 14 (офис Dinternal Education)
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Widely praised for its strong biochemistry coverage and clear, easy-to-follow explanations and figures, Becker’s World of the Cell provides a beautifully-illustrated, up-to-date introduction to cell biology concepts, processes, and applications. Informed by many years of classroom experience in the sophomore-level cell biology course, the dramatically-revised Ninth Edition introduces molecular genetics concepts earlier in the text and includes more extensive coverage of key techniques in each chapter. Becker’s World of the Cell provides accessible and authoritative descriptions of all major principles, as well as unique scientific insights into visualization and applications of cell and molecular biology.
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.
About the text
- NEW! Reorganization of cell signaling, cell division, and cell cycle regulation materials, including moving the molecular genetics material to an earlier position, more tightly integrates these topics with coverage of many topics in the last sections of the text. Topics that relate to the regulation of gene and protein expression are now more naturally integrated into the discussion of cell signaling and cell cycle control, which now come immediately before the chapter on cancer.
- NEW! Reorganization of molecular biology material includes moving the molecular genetics chapters to earlier in the book, and contains substantial new material on chromosomes, mechanisms of DNA mutation and repair, and mobile genetics elements.
- NEW! Chapter on molecular techniques that focuses on the tools or the key technologies cell biologists use to analyze and manipulate DNA, genomes, RNA and proteins, and gene function.
- NEW! Twenty-six Key Technique boxes in every chapter are integrated throughout the text, demonstrating how cutting-edge technologies can be used to answer outstanding questions in Cell Biology.
- NEW! Twenty-four Human Connection boxes incorporate human examples and show the relevance of Cell Biology to human health and societal issues, from the human story of Henrietta Lacks to the relevance of biochemical pathways to our diet, to the many cases in which cell biology informs diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
- NEW! Concept Check questions enable students to check their understanding using the Concept Check questions after reading a main concept section. There is one question at the end of every main heading in the text and questions throughout each chapter encourage students to actively read the text. Answers to these questions are available at the back of the book.
- NEW! Quantitative questions in every chapter infuse a quantitative component throughout the text. New and existing quantitative questions are flagged at the end of each chapter to encourage students to work on developing their ability to perform or interpret a calculation.
- NEW! Content updates have been added throughout the book highlighting the most recent advances in the understanding of cell biology.
- NEW! Design including an updated art program gives drawings a more dynamic and inviting look. Striking new chapter opening images draw students into the topic of each chapter. New figures based on recent molecular structures have been added in several key locations.
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Авторы: Stephen Greene, Sarah Cunningham
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1175 грн