Енциклопедія World War I
Енциклопедія World War I
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250 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Engaging and entertaining reference guide to World War I From disaster to victory, Eyewitness World War I captivates readers and gives an insight into life in the muddy trenches, and what it was like to be a soldier, along with a broader picture of the world-changing events that led to the start of the conflict. Stunning real-life photographs, illustrating the people, places and stories, give you a unique eyewitness view of the conflict dubbed the "war to end all wars". This book also includes a fantastic giant wall chart and over 250 evocative photographs perfect for bedrooms or classrooms. DK Eyewitness World War I provides the perfect combination of information and great ideas for school projects. Children will learn about World War I and how it changed the world.
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