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Книга The Impossible Boy-УЦІНКА
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Книга The Impossible Boy-УЦІНКА
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450 грн
225 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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A must read for all children (big and small) aged 7+ and to any who love a laugh out loud book that pushes all senses of the imagination to their limits. It is a masterpiece of creativity and empathy rolled into one big feelgood tale. * The Reading Zone *
A fast-moving, quirky, adventure story.... Great fun! * Carousel *
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.....A true gift for a reader -- Lucy Timmons * Just Imagine Website *
A satisfying mix of quirky humour and all-action adventure in a tale about the power of friends * The Sunday Express S Magazine *
A magical and festive adventure with an extraordinary cast of characters. It is full of empathy, friendship and fun. * South Wales Evening Post *
A magical festive adventure celebrating the power of friendship and the imagination. * EVENT Magazine - The Daily Mail *
This is an interesting story whose real value lies in the difficult subjects it touches on - broken homes, overcoming anxiety and facing an uncertain future being three of its central themes. * Publishers Association *
This is an unusual, gripping story full of 'edge of the seat moments'. * Primary Times *
It's one thing to invent a friend, quite another when he actually appears. With Sebastian around, impossible things keep happening, and the Institute of Unreality wants to know why. * The i newspaper *
This is an interesting story whose real value lies in the difficult subjects it touches on - broken homes, overcoming anxiety and facing an uncertain future being three of its central themes. Brooks gently but effectively negotiates these subjects through a story that is quirky, amusing and fun. * Woman's Way *
Тут поки що ніхто нічого не написав. Будь першим!
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Схожі товари

Автор: Nick Eliopulos
Немає в наявності
350 грн

Автор: Дж. К. Роулінг
Немає в наявності
600 грн
450 грн