Книга-розкладачка Pop-up Peekaboo! Christmas
Книга-розкладачка Pop-up Peekaboo! Christmas
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420 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Little ones will discover the magic of Christmas with this delightfully festive pop-up book! Can you find Penguin and his Christmas friends hiding under the flaps? They must be somewhere! Is that Mr Snowman outside in the snow? Is that a fairy behind the Christmas tree? Open the pop-up flaps to find out... With bright photographs and fun, festive pop-up surprises, Pop-up Peekaboo! Christmas! is the perfect stocking-filler for that little person in your life. The interactive pop-ups are great for reading aloud, encouraging word recognition, and developing imagination and memory skills.
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Автори: Emily Bone, Stella Baggott
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399 грн