Підручник Organizational Behavior plus Pearson MyLab Management, Global Edition
Підручник Organizational Behavior plus Pearson MyLab Management, Global Edition
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2200 грн
1540 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Theworld’s most successful Organizational Behavior textbookprovides the research you want, in the language your students understand. Thistext makes current, relevant research come alive for readers. The 18thEdition reflects the most recent research and business events withinthe field of organizational behavior, while maintaining its hallmark features —a clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There’s areason why Robbins’s textbooks have educated millions of students and have beentranslated into 20 languages — and it’s because of a commitment to provideengaging, cutting-edge material that helps students understand and connect withorganizational behavior.
Help students apply OB to their future career
· New - AnEmployability Skills Matrix at the beginning ofeach chapter provides students with a visual guide to features that support thedevelopment of skills employers are looking for in today’s business graduates.
· New and Updated - Opening-Chapter Vignettes bringcurrent business trends and events to the forefront so students are keptup-to-date on the current managerial landscape.
· New and Updated - Personal InventoryAssessments help students develop professionalism and awareness of oneself andothers — skills necessary for students’ future careers.
· Career Objectives provideadvice, in a question-and-answer format to help students think through issuesthey may face in the workforce today.
· Updated - End-of-Chapter material. Eachend of chapter includes Experiential Activities, Ethical Dilemmas, and twoCases. Also, 5 Comprehensive Cases at the end of the text provide moreapplication and/or practice than any other text available.
Real-world examples of organizational behavior
· New and Updated- Each chapter opens with a realcompany example that demonstrates the topics that will be covered.
· New and Updated - Profiles of real company leaders throughoutthe text illustrate how course concepts have helped their success.
· New - Photos and captions linkthe chapter content to contemporary real-life worldwide situations to enhancestudents’ understanding of the hands-on application of concepts.
· New and Updated - Point/Counterpoint presentsopposing positions on hot topics in organizational behavior to help studentlearn to think critically.
· Global OB research iswoven throughout each chapter and is easily found via an identifying logo.
· Discussion and analysis of Customer Satisfaction,Job Enrichment and Mindfulness help students prepare for their careers.
This title isavailable with Pearson Horizon, an easy-to-use, local-language digital platform thatdelivers a customizable, personalized learning experience — all while stayingrelevant to your area of the world. Pearson Horizon is available for selecttitles and in select geographies. For purchase options, please contact yourPearson representative.
Deliver content digitally. Get all the benefits of our widely used content within aneasy-to-use, personalized digital platform with customizable features.
· Optimize and personalize learning. Engage students with a blended learningapproach merging digital content with complementary homework, tutorials, andassessments.
· Customize your course. Create a learning path with existing content, whiledeveloping original activities and uploading your own multimedia resources.
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