Книга з конструктором LEGO Gadgets
Книга з конструктором LEGO Gadgets
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550 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Build 11 awesome LEGO (R) machines! With 58 LEGO (R) elements. This activity kit will have you building 11 machines that whirl, flip, punch and cruise! Including: a gravity-powered car, a boxing robot, a claw, a catapult, a spin-o-vision, a ghost mobile car, a rollin' T-Rex, a whirling fan, a mixing machine, a micro movie maker and a gravity-drop coaster. Make, experiment and play with KLUTZ . What is Klutz? Klutz is a premium brand of book-based activity kits, designed to inspire creativity in every child. Our unique combination of crystal-clear instructions, custom tools and materials, and hearty helpings of humor is 100% guaranteed to kick-start creativity. Super-clear instructions Open-ended Creativity Rewarding Reading Skills to Build On Everything You Need
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