Книга Ladybird Tales of Super Heroes
Книга Ladybird Tales of Super Heroes
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480 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Superheroes have always been with us, from gods with mighty powers to human heroes who don disguises to save the day . . . Join six larger-than-life mythic and legendary heroes from around the world in this colourful, illustrated collection of Ladybird Tales. Meet tricksters, fighters, shape-shifters and even people who save the day with just the power of speech. Anansi the Spider-Man Loki and the Magical Hammer Hanuman, Demon Fighter Inanna in the Underworld Shahrazad the Storyteller The Legend of Hua Mulan Perfect for bedtime, to read aloud or enjoy alone, these thrilling tales breathe marvellous life into ancient tales. Includes a special introduction from award-winning author David Solomons.
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Автор: Rhiannon Fielding
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550 грн