Книга Vegan Christmas Feasts
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Книга Vegan Christmas Feasts
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490 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Everyone will love these vegan ideas devised for Christmas. The clever plant-based recipes are designed to be crowd-pleasing and properly festive and as well as being meat-free and dairy-free, the recipes boast seasonal produce and sensational flavour.
As the festive party season gets underway serve seasonal small plates such as Chestnut & Porcini Cream Mille-Feuille and Rainbow Chard Tartlets. For a cosy pre-Christmas supper, look to Saffron Ravioli with Heart of Palm & Chilli or Deep Dijon Pie. And on Christmas day make a stunning centrepiece for everyone to share by embracing the mock vegan meat trend. Try a carvable Smoky Stuffed Roast with Pine Nut, Lemon & Herb Stuffing accompanied by Marmite & Olive Roasties and Piglets in Rafts. Follow with Snowball Trifle with Lime & Lemonade ‘Egg Nog’ or Stollen Bread & Butter Pudding with Cardamom Custard. Come Boxing day, it’s time to love your leftovers – dine on Bubble & Squeak Parathas or simply slice up any remaining Festive Stuffing and roast it for the perfect leftover sarnie. And to see in the New Year vegan-style keep it simple with one-pot make-ahead Roasted Aubergine & Puy Lentil Lasagne or Faux Fish Pie with Herby Mash so that you are free to enjoy the celebrations!
Vegan Christmas Feasts is a compilation of previously published festive favourites plus a host of new recipes.
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