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вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Bees, beetles, bugs, butterflies and more - love them or hate them insects are everywhere. Discover the different varieties, body-structure, life cycles, and behaviour - from why bees make honey to which insects have ears on their knees with DK Eyewitness Insects. Find out what the earliest insects looked like, how insects fly, and what a wasp's-eye-view looks like. Learn how insects, often seen as pests by humans, perform a vital role as pollinators of food crops. DK Eyewitness Insects also includes a giant fold-out wall chart full of facts, perfect for bedrooms or classrooms. With incredible photographs including dueling stag beetles locked in combat, a wasps' nest under construction, and an adult damselfly emerging from its old skin children will be fascinated by this world of creepy crawlies.
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