Книга How to Start Your Own Business
Книга How to Start Your Own Business
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630 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Discover everything you need to know to turn your big idea into a thriving business with this uniquely visual guide.
Get professional business advice in the palm of your hands. This uniquely visual guide equips you with everything you need to know about making your start-up stand out from the crowd.
This visual reference book is packed with:
- Practical, authoritative information on the skills required to run a small business
- Easy-to-understand graphics
- No-nonsense advice and jargon-free language
- Insightful and inspiring quotes from the most successful minds in business
Clear and practical, authoritative advice come together to make this book a must-have resource in every budding entrepreneur's library! The easy-to-understand page layouts and bold, explanatory illustrations help demystify complex topics such as securing finance, establishing an online presence, and managing finances.
This entrepreneur book gives you all the tools you need to understand how a modern start-up works and then start your own. Whether you're a CEO or an aspiring entrepreneur, the information and advice in How To Start Your Own Business can be applied to anyone.
A Simplistic Business Breakdown
This comprehensive guide to starting your own business acts as an invaluable blueprint for your path to business success. It's the ultimate gift for anyone who wants to learn more about the world of business management.
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