Книга Harry Potter 3 and the Prisoner of Azkaban
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Книга Harry Potter 3 and the Prisoner of Azkaban
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440 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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As our hero Harry returns to Hogwarts School for another term, he finds it guarded by fearsome Dementors, the guards of Azkaban prison. And there is a mass-murderer on the loose – the notorious Sirius Black who, it turns out, is after Harry. The gripping third installment of J. K. Rowling’s award-winning series is a treat indeed.
‘He wants Harry dead… Black lost everything the night Harry stopped You-Know-Who, and he’s had twelve years alone in Azkaban to brood on that…’
There’s a murderer on the loose and he has his sights set on Harry Potter; the boy who lived is in danger once more. Harry has never heard of notorious mass-murderer Sirius Black when he runs away from home one summer night, with only his owl, Hedwig, and his school trunk. But before he knows it, Harry is whisked away on the Knight Bus (“emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard”) and finds himself screeching towards The Leaky Cauldron and his next year at Hogwarts. But the shade of ‘The Grim’, the worst wizarding omen of death, is following him and nowhere is safe, not even Hogwarts. For the school is being guarded by fearsome Dementors, the guards of Azkaban prison, waiting to suck out the souls of the living with their terrifying kiss. Nothing is certain in a world where even time itself may not be what it seems.
Baffling Boggarts, portentous tea-leaves, silver stags and a soaring journey on Hippogriff wings await you, if you dare to turn the page. Waterstones calls you to look for the light in the darkest of places in this haunting third instalment of JK Rowling’s award-winning series.
Do you solemnly swear you are up to no good?
Harry Potter has been at the heart of Waterstones since the first copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone came into our hands. We’re delighted to share these new editions of the series, now entirely reimagined by one of our favourite writers and illustrators, Jonny Duddle. You can find out more about Jonny Duddle at http://www.jonny-duddle.com/
“Rowling creates a fantasy that is fast-moving and filled with twists, turns and red herrings. Nothing is as it seems in this book.” The New York Times
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Автор: Steve Baxter
Є в наявності
875 грн
380 грн