Get Ready for School Colours and Shapes
Get Ready for School Colours and Shapes
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145 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Help your child get the right skills for starting school with Colours and Shapes. Support your little ones first steps in early learning and let them match the coloured socks, join the dots and spot the difference.
Skills for Starting School is a new series of interactive books and playbooks which gives every child the best start to learning with key skills developed through play, exploration and real-life situations. Make getting ready for school fun and exciting with lift-the-flap activities, see-through peep-holes, stickers and much more. The friendly monkey, cat and other characters will support, guide and inspire your child's early learning. Each element of the series will support active learning through creative thinking, boosting confidence, curiosity and independence.
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Автор: Fiona Watt
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