Аудіодиск Focus on IELTS New Audio CDs
Аудіодиск Focus on IELTS New Audio CDs
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880 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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With its increased focus on academic skills, this updated version of Focus on IELTS not only prepares your students for the IELTS examination but also equips them with the tools that they need for success once they enter academic life. ... [Includes]: New Critical Thinking and Reflective Learning training helps students become more analytical and therefore more effective as learners ; New Academic Vocabulary sections systematically build up students’ knowledge of the all-important Academic Word List ; New Academic Style sections focus on key aspects of academic English, and develop students’ ability to achieve the appropriate formal style ; The Key Language Bank provides a reference tool and extra practice activities to help students build their vocabulary and knowledge of grammar ; An expanded Writing Practice Bank provides model answers and additional writing practice for both Tasks 1 and 2 ; Error Hit Lists help students eliminate common errors from their work ; Additional exam practice is available with the interactive iTests on the CD-ROM
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Автор: Terry L. Cook
Є в наявності
1160 грн
720 грн