Dog Man: Fetch-22 (Book 8)
Dog Man: Fetch-22 (Book 8)
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вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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The eighth book in the Dog Man graphic novel series now available in paperback.
Petey the Cat is out of jail, and he has a brand-new lease on life.
While Petey's reevaluated what matters most, Li'l Petey is struggling to find the good in the world.
Can Petey and Dog Man stop fighting like cats and dogs long enough to put their paws together and work as a team?
They need each other now more than ever -- Li'l Petey (and the world) is counting on them!
Dav Pilkey’s wildly popular Dog Man series appeals to readers of all ages and explores universally positive themes, including:
- empathy,
- kindness,
- persistence,
- and the importance of being true to one’s self.
Full colour pages throughout.
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Автор: Tamsyn Murray
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295 грн
79 грн