Енциклопедія Dinosaurs A Childrens Encyclopedia
Енциклопедія Dinosaurs A Childrens Encyclopedia
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750 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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Part of the series of award-winning, best-selling DK encyclopedias for children, this title has been completely revised to provide a comprehensive visual exploration of the entire range of prehistoric animal life. Dinosaurs: a children's encyclopedia is not simply a catalogue of facts and photos - it is a visual celebration of the history of all life on Earth, with a special focus on dinosaurs. More than 100 dinosaur species are featured, many illustrated with brand new artworks, exclusive to DK. The new images vividly reflect the very latest research into what these prehistoric creatures looked like, including thrilling new discoveries about feathered dinosaurs.
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