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Адаптована книга Marvel's Captain Marvel Pack +PEP


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Адаптована книга Marvel's Captain Marvel Pack +PEP

Є в наявності

350 грн

This reader is accompanied by an audiobook and eBook.

For six years, Vers has lived as a Kree on their planet, Hala. Now a trained soldier, she joins a team fighting with the Kree against their enemies, the Skrulls. But Vers has terrible, frightening dreams, and cannot remember her past. Who is she really? And is the war what it seems? On C-53, the planet known as Earth, she is going to find out.

About the series Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading.

Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities.

Through the imagination of some of the world's greatest authors, the english language comes to life in pages of our readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in english, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.


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