Енциклопедія Книга 100 Events That Made History
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Енциклопедія Книга 100 Events That Made History
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470 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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From the Silk Road to the Space Race and beyond, this illustrated book for kids captures key turning points in human history. Every page of this book brings history alive, exploring major moments of the past in an unforgettable way. You will find out how the Indus Valley civilization came up with the world's first sewage system, the ideals behind the ancient Olympics Games, and what led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Pioneering activists are also featured, such as Dr Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Rosa Parks - incredible people who bravely fought for equality in the society. Adorned with iconic images and beautiful illustrations, the book details the deadliest wars, including Roman conquests and World War II. It also follows the story of human exploration and some of the greatest scientific discoveries, such as Newton's laws of motion. Also included are some of the terrible events of human history, such as the sinking of the Titanic, the partition of India, South African Apartheid, and 9/11. Packed with all the key social, political, economical, and technological events that have shaped our modern world, 100 Events That Made History is the book for young history buffs everywhere.
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Автор: DK
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1050 грн