Книга The Best of Dr.Seuss: The Cat in the Hat, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, Dr. Seuss's ABC
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Книга The Best of Dr.Seuss: The Cat in the Hat, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, Dr. Seuss's ABC
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380 грн
вул. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького, 14 (офіс Dinternal Education)
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To accompany the release of the live action movie of The Cat in the Hat, starring Mike Myers, HarperCollins are proud to present this bumper bind-up of three of Dr. Seuss's most popular books: 'The Cat in the Hat', 'The Cat in the Hat Comes Back' and 'Dr. Seuss's ABC'. 'The Cat in the Hat' When the Cat in the Hat steps in on the mat, Sally and her brother are in for a roller-coaster ride of havoc and mayhem! The cat can rescue them from a dull rainy day, but it'll mean lots of spills along the way. 'The Cat in the Hat Comes Back' When the Cat in the Hat once more steps into the lives of Sally and her brother, he's soon up to his old tricks. He turns the house upside down, and the snow pink, ably assisted by a team of tiny helpers that he keeps in his hat! 'Dr. Seuss's ABC' "Big B, little b, what begins with B? Baby, barber, bubbles and a bumblebee!" Children can have lots of fun learning about big and little letters.
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Автор: Dr. Seuss
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380 грн